Yesterday the Institute of Internal Auditors released the new vision of the three lines, and the title caught my attention, as it does not mention the word “defense”, which can be either a mistake or deliberate, demonstrating that the members of each line are not there to defend, but to manage, add value, including the third line, which makes much more sense to me.
The original model emerged with the publication on
September 21, 2010 by FERMA and ECIIA in the Guidance on the 8th EU Company law
as a recommendation for implementing the law's requirements for monitoring the
effectiveness of the internal control system, internal audit and risk management.
This update model solved an anomaly of the previous
model, which demonstrated a duality in the internal audit reporting line, an
arrow for senior management, and another for the level of supervision and
governance, creating some “noise” about the independence of the internal audit
activity, with no much sense
In this new format, it is very clear that the
reporting line should only be for the level of supervision and governance (Board
and Committee), and the relationship with senior management (President, their directs)
is a process of alignment, communication, coordination and collaboration. This point reinforces the importance of
independence for the existence of an effective and integrated internal audit to
the businesses.
This subject regarding independence is also addressed by principle 5, which objectively describes the independence of the audit in relation to management responsibility, as you may see below:
5: Third Line Independence
Internal audit´s
independence from the responsibilities of management is critical to its objective,
authority, and credibility. It is established through: accountability to the
governing body; unfettered access to people, resources, and data needed to complete
its work; and freedom from bias or interference in the planning and delivery of
audit services.
Another relevant subject, in my vision, that this model
brings to our understanding to the role of the audit as a consultancy. It was a
great confusion created when the definition of the audit was disclosed which
includes in its statement that the audit adds value to the organization through
assurance and consulting, which unfortunately, here in Brazil, allowed
misunderstandings and great debates on this topic.
This new version accommodates this theme when it describes
the roles of each of the lines, as we may see below, the role of the audit:
Internal Audit
- Maintains primary accountability to the governing body and independence from the responsibilities of management.
- Communicates independent and objectives assurance and advice to management and the governing body on the adequacy and effectiveness of governance and risk management (including internal control) to support the achievement of organizational objectives and to promote and facilitate continuous improvement.
- Reports impairments to Independence and objectivity to the governing body and implements safeguards as required.
Observe that it describes
“independent and objective assurance and advice”, remembering that objectivity
is the auditor's independence in positioning and giving an opinion, based on
his competence and proficiency.
I have had that the audit
fulfills its role as a consultant, not implementing or executing management
activities, but rather, making intelligent notes to management on opportunities
for operational improvements to strengthen the efficiency, effectiveness and
economy of the risk management process, controls internal and governance.
This model also stresses that
independence does not mean isolation, as there must be an interaction between
the three lines. The auditors have to be aligned with the organization's
strategic and operational needs in order to became a “trusted advisor and
strategic partner”.
However, for this to be true,
the auditors must go back to basics.
When I say go back to basics,
it is that the internal auditors must objectively understand their mission and
the definition of what auditing is, essential points that are described in the
International Structure of Professional Practices of the IIA. In addition, must
be proficient in application of the standards of attributes and performance when
carrying out the evaluation and / or consultancy work.
Finally, I believe that some
discussions will arise about the model and its application, and this is my
contribution to the understanding of this new version of the three-line model.
Be happy!
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